Promote inclusion, offer equitable information to all!

Our team of expert linguists, in line with our approach to equity, offers translation services that will enable you to reach a broader audience, promote inclusion, and make information available equitably to all.


Translation from written (French or English) to sign language (LSQ or ASL)

Are you facing a growing demand for sign language video content, but don’t know how to meet it? With quality assurance at heart, we’re here to support you every step of the way, from translation and production to pre-production support. Website, TV show, activity report, webinar, accessibility plan… we can adapt to any project.

Translation process

Proposal & Preparation
Translation & Filming
Quality Control


From sign language (LSQ or ASL) to written language (French or English)

Have you interviewed deaf people? Would you like to apply for an Arts Council grant as a Deaf artist? Have you received a complaint in the form of a video from a deaf person who has spoken in sign language? Don’t worry, our specialized team is at your disposal. Entrust your orders to us with complete peace of mind and receive reliable content.

Videos, ready for distribution

The Eversa team works with excellent partners to offer you content ready for distribution on all your platforms!

Work with qualified people concerned with these issues and be a part of an ethical production that you can be proud of!

You can choose to receive files such as:
caption (french, english)
audio (french, english)
and more!

Quality assurance is at the heart of our work

Contact us